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King County Fair

July 7th to 14th 2024

DEADLINE TO ENTER: June 30th 2024

(deadline printed in exhibitor guide is incorrect)

~ Vet Check will be at the Big Oak at the far end of the south parking lot~

Horse trailers parked south of the Big Oak

Important Information

Be sure to read everything

SCHEDULE  (tentative)


Sunday, July 7th: Vet check 5-6pm, Welcome Meeting 7pm

Monday, July 8th: Showmanship, Hunt Seat, English Disc. Rail, Adv Riding, Dressage 5pm

Tuesday, July 9th: Trail, Stock Seat, West Disc. Rail, Reining

       PERFORMANCE STATE TEAM MEETING Tuesday @ 7pm (meeting required for state team)

Wednesday, July 10th: Bareback & Versatility Dismissed @3:30pm

Western Games

Wednesday, July 10th: Vet check 5-6pm, Welcome Meeting 7pm

Thursday, July 11th: 9am start, Showmanship, Running Events

Friday, July 12th:10am start, Running Events, out of arena by 6:30pm

Saturday, July 13th: 10am start, Running Events, out of arena by 2pm (Booked in arena; Rough Stock Rodeo)

     GAMING STATE TEAM MEETING Saturday @ 4:30pm (meeting required for state team)

Sunday, July 14h: (Booked in arena; Kick the Dust Up Barrel Race) Haul Out around 6pm 





  • It's so important to remember the the King County Fair is not a show. At a show we pay to rent the facility, we have complete control over our area and we are the only one's using it. 

  • At FAIR we are guests of the fair, we are an exhibit, one of many, that helps them draw the public in to "see the fair"

    • We don't have any control over the arenas or space we use, we aren't the only exhibit using the arenas

    • We are told when the arenas are ours to use and when they are going to be used by other exhibits. 

    • We may lose stalls to other exhibits

    • Showmanship is mandatory

    • We always follow the fair rules and leave things better than we found them

    • As with every project at the fair this is our State Qualifying Event

      • This means the reason for this event is to qualify our Intermediate and Senior 4-H members and to prepare them to compete at the Puyallup Fair in September

  • Our decisions are made with all of these points in mind

  • We will be playing music, this will not be adjusted individually, get your horses used to it now (it's fair, music in the barn and classes will be one of the quietest sounds there) Having music is better than a quiet arena with sudden loud sounds



If your are enrolled in King County 4-H you'll need to turn in an educational Poster. Posters are due to the Extension Office by June 1st. You can come in to the horse barn office to pick up your judged posters on decoration day.

Here is the instructional flyer on Ed posters - click here

Each poster needs to have a "still life" tag attached to the back. click here - to print off your still life tags





If your staying in "camperville" (the south camping field next to the horse barn gate) you'll need to fill out the Camperville Form above, return it to the Enumclaw Expo and pay for your spot. This is an agreement between you and the Expo, the horse program is not involved.  IMPORTANT: If you do not complete this form by the deadline you WILL NOT have a camping spot. They will not give camping spots to people that just drive in on entry day. 




If you're only showing during the Performance Section you will NOT need to purchase fair tickets, you'll only need them for the Gaming Section. Link to the pdf order form is on a teal button above. Prices are different for 4-H members than the normal public. You can purchase them through your club or directly from the Expo office. 




Deadline to order is Thursday June 13, 2024 11:59pm

Click here to order:




State teams are for  Intermediate and Senior 4-H members only. We will be having a State Team Meeting for each section during that section at Fair, attending the state team meeting is mandatory if your eligible and interested in qualifying for a state team. Those that do not attend the meeting will be removed from eligibility.  Intermediates or Seniors that enter any walk/trot classes will not be eligible for state teams.

  • Performance  July 9th @7pm

  • Gaming July 13th @4:30pm. 

All state fair registration is with online forms this year!

This is not a promise of team eligibility, we will be following the State Team qualification listed in the Rule book. Contact Sheilla Hagedorn if you have any questions.  We will not be doing any individual state team meetings, you need to attend the meeting if you are eligible and interested in qualifying for a state team. We will confirm the time and date for the meetings at the welcome meeting for each section. 








You'll be asked to select a Premium Class. This is one class other than Showmanship that you think you'll do the best in. 

The Fair pays you for premium points, each danish ribbon has a point value (blue, red, white). So if you get a Blue in Showmanship and a Red in your premium class then the points from those 2 ribbons are added up and help figure your premium money that will be sent out after fair.  Premium classes can't be changed once showing at the fair has started.



Versatility is a class that was very popular several years ago and we thought y'all would like to have it offered again.

You need to be able to ride english and western.

  • You enter the class in western tack and clothing

  • You participate in a Stock Seat Equitation rail class

  • When directed you halt in the middle of the arena and dismount

  • Your "helper" enters the arena with a wheelbarrow filled with your English tack and clothing 

  • You and your helper take off the Western tack, place in wheelbarrow and put the English tack on

  • You switch to English clothing, no you don't change in front of everyone, this is where things get creative

    • ​Tuck your Western pants into your hunt boots or breeches under chaps or western pants

    • ​Have your English shirt under your western shirt

    • Have your hunt coat and boots waiting in the wheelbarrow

  • Your helper takes the wheelbarrow back out of the arena with your western stuff

  • Then you get back on your horse and finish the rail class English



  • We are welcoming Open Class youth to participate in the King County Fair Equine Exhibit!

  • Open class opportunities: Performance, Dressage, Driving, Gaming, Reining

  • If you want to be stalled next to one of your 4-H friends please email Lori Glasgow and let her know

  • Open class will compete against 4-H members in all classes

  • Showmanship is mandatory

  • Open class is also eligible for Premium Points

  • Fees are the same for 4-H and Open

  • Open class riders will have to follow all 4-H rules

  • Open class will be placed in appropriate age divisions (Junior, Intermediate, Senior)

  • All Open class entries are not eligible for:

    • State Fair qualification

    • Medals qualification

    • 4-H Championship banners


Reining Pattern


  • Our vets volunteer their time and your horse must be vet checked to enter the fair, so be sure to arrive in time


    • Your horses temp will be checked (work on it now if it's an issue)​

    • Vets will be checking for lameness

    • Vets will be checking for body condition

    • Vets will also be checking for sick horses

  • How Vet Check Works:

    • Drive all the way down to the "Big Oak" and pull in

    • Park your trailer South of the "Big Oak"

    • Unload your horse

    • EVERY horse must go through Vet Check to enter the fair

    • Remove all blankets, wraps, sleezies and such off your horse. 

    • You must wear boots and a helmet

    • Check in at Vet Check by the light post, there might be a line

    • Be prepared to have your horses temp taken (Start working on this now if your horse is resistant to it)

    • You will be given an "Exhibitor Card" this should be filled out and attached to your stall (do not put your full name on the card, only first name)

    • You'll also be asked to trot your horse away from the vet for a lameness check

    • Once we have a group cleared mounted escorts will walk you into the barn

    • There will be Tack Tractors towing flat beds driving around the trailers for parents to load up all your tack

      • The Tack Tractor will take you all the way to the barn

  • No horses in Camperville



  • It is highly advised that clubs bed and assign their stalls at Decoration Day

  • Get your horse settled, water buckets filled and hay in the stall (bedding if not already there)

  • See the barn map for the location of the bedding storage and manure dumpster

  • Parents and members need to attend the Welcome Meeting at 7:00pm the first night

  • After the meeting arenas are open to ride in unless equipment is set up, Junior/Novice members must have a parent present


  • We will need volunteers for the following spots: 

  • All volunteer spots need to be filled prior to starting our events, there will be a signup outside the office

    • Performance

      • In Gate 

      • Ring Steward 

      • Announcer

      • Ribbons 

      • Runner

    • Gaming

      • Judges

      • Rakers

      • In Gate

      • Flags

      • Announcer

      • Time keepers


  • A lot happens in the Horse Barn Office, please remember​

    • It's not a place to hang out

    • The fridge is not available

    • Do not attempt charge your phone in the office, there are outlets along the outside walls of the barn

    • If the door is closed, come back later, we are discussing something important, do not enter, do not tap on the glass

  • If there are any issues with your classes you need to come to the office to get things fixed the first night (before or after the welcome meeting. DO NOT wait till right before the class, we can't help you then. 

  • The class lists will be posted in the windows of the Horse Barn Office

  • All patterns will be posted on the big bulletin board outside the barn facing the warm up arena

  • Showmanship patterns will be posted after the Welcome Meeting

  • Class patterns will be posted the night before

    • Do not ask the office when these will be posted

  • If you have a question, go to your leader first



  • Because this is not a show you can't add classes but you can scratch them. 

  • There is no limit to the number of classes you can enter

  • You do not have to go in the Championship class if you receive a blue or high blue, but you will not receive any ribbons or points for that class past the danish you earned

  • We have to keep things moving listen to the announcements and be on time for your classes, we will not hold the gate

  • You must be wearing the correct attire for the class you are entering or you will be disqualified: see the rule book starting on page 11

  • You need to wear the correct number for the horse you are riding, wearing the incorrect number or no number at all will result in disqualification for that class.

  • In Gaming we can not deviate from the running order 

    • You have 60 seconds to get in the in gate once your name is called 

    • If you miss your spot we will move on, you will lose your run

    • The time keepers rely on this running order to record the times



  • Clubs are encouraged to get Fair ribbons similar to the State Team Ribbons, for members to display on their stalls 

  • Every class starts as a Lot class, if there are more than 8-12 riders there may be more than one Lot class for an event

  • Both 4-H and Open riders will be in every class, divided by age division

  • Only Danish ribbons will be given out in Lot classes

  • Every rider that receives a Blue or High Blue Danish ribbon will return for the Championship class

    • Championship classes will be a pattern

    • The Championship class will be standard placed (1st-8th)

  • 1st and 2nd place will receive Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion ribbons

  • ​We will no longer be offering trophies for Grand Champions. All 4-H Grand Champions will be placed on the Championship banner for that year.




  • Barn opens at 6am

  • All horses fed at 6am

  • Be sure water buckets are always filled and clean and off the floor

  • Stalls are to be kept clean

  • Bedding is provided by the Fairgrounds

  • There will be a dumpster to dump wheelbarrows up the ramp (don't fall in)

  • You'll need to bring your own wheelbarrows, the fairgrounds uses theirs during the fair

  • We are an exhibit, the public will ask lots of questions, be friendly, answer their questions, tell them about your horse

  • Tack rooms and aisles are to be kept clean

  • Remember that your horse is there for YOU, they do all this for YOU, they don't care about the ribbons, premium points or state teams. Show them you appreciate all their hard work too.


HORSE BARN RULES starting on pg 46 of the Rule Book covers the Fair​

  • ONLY 4-H members (or open youth) may handle or exercise horses, adults may not ride or exercise horses


    • Once your child is in their class you may not talk to them, the judge has the right to disqualify your child if you are coaching from the rail

  • This is your child's opportunity to show the public at the fair how hard they have worked and their skill with their horse, let them shine

  • Boots must be worn when handling/riding horses

  • Helmets must be worn whenever riding, driving or trail in hand

  • No horses or wheelbarrows down the center aisle of the barn

  • No grooming in the aisle, prepare your horse in their stall, only leave when you're ready for your class

  • If your horse leaves a mess on their way out of the barn, be sure it's cleaned up

  • "HORSE COMING THROUGH" this lets the public know your walking their horse down the aisle and they need to move to the side. Don't be obnoxious about it, but be sure they know you're coming

  • HAVE FUN! Enjoy the event and help make the horse barn a nice place to visit



Do you want more information? Feel free to contact our president or email the program. 

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