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Mounted Magic
Performance & Gaming  Show

Saturday June 14th - Performance
Sunday June 15th - Gaming

Enumclaw Expo Center

Registration CLOSES Wednesday June 11th at 8pm

Parking Map
Class List
Show Patterns - posted June 12th at 5pm
Performance Show Registration


Judges Meeting 7:45am

Show Starts 8:00am


Judges: Aimee Smith & Debbie Hoines


4H Members $65 unlimited or $20 a class

Non-4H Members $85 unlimited or $20 a class

Medal Classes $15 a class (4H Members Only)


CLASS LIST  (tentative)

  • Showmanship (all levels) 

  • Showmanship Medals (4-H only)

  • Trail & In Hand Trail (all levels ran at the same time as Western classes) 

  • Reining (ran at the same time as Western classes) 

  1. Stock Seat Equitation W/T (all ages)

  2. Stock Seat Equitation Green Horse

  3. ​Stock Seat Equitation Junior

  4. Stock Seat Equitation Intermediate

  5. Stock Seat Equitation Senior

  6. Stock Seat Equitation Adult

  7. Stock Seat Medals (4H Only)

  8. Western Discipline Rail W/T (all ages)

  9. Western Discipline Rail Junior

  10. Western Discipline Rail Intermediate

  11. Western Discipline Rail Senior

  12. Western Discipline Rail Adult

  13. Pleasure Driving

  14. Reinsmanship

  15. Reinsmanship Medals (4H Only)

  16. Bareback Equitation W/T (all ages)

  17. Bareback Equitation Junior

  18. Bareback Equitation Intermediate

  19. Bareback Equitation Senior

  20. Bareback Equitation Adult

  21. Hunt Seat Equitation W/T (all ages)

  22. Hunt Seat Equitation Green Horse

  23. Hunt Seat Equitation Junior

  24. Hunt Seat Equitation Intermediate

  25. Hunt Seat Equitation Senior

  26. Hunt Seat Equitation Adult

  27. Hunt Seat Medals (4H Only)

  28. English Discipline Rail W/T (all ages)

  29. English Discipline Rail Junior

  30. English Discipline Rail Intermediate

  31. English Discipline Rail Senior

  32. English Discipline Rail Adult

  33. Saddle Seat (all ages)

  34. Saddle Seat Medals (4H Only)


  • You can find this info in our King County Horse Program Rule book starting on page 11  CLICK HERE  to be taken to the rule book



  • Not open to W/T or Junior riders

  • Green horse riders are not eligible for state or medals



  • Medals are $15 each (see medals book for info)

  • You must be enrolled in 4-H and qualified to enter medals classes

  • Bronze must be earned before Silver, Silver before Gold, Gold before Supreme

  • You can not earn 2 medals in the same show

  • Not open to Green Horse riders


Gaming Show Registration


Judges Meeting 7:45am

Show Starts 8:00am


Showmanship Judge: Barbara Manning


4H Members $65 unlimited or $20 a class

Non-4H Members $85 unlimited or $20 a class

Medal Classes $15 a class (4H Members Only)



  1. Showmanship Junior

  2. Showmanship Intermediate

  3. Showmanship Senior

  4. Showmanship Adults

  5. Showmanship Medals

  6. Key 

  7. Poles

  8. Figure 8

  9. 2 Barrel Flags

  10. Intl Flags

  11. Barrels


You can find this info in our King County Horse Program Rule book starting on page 38  CLICK HERE  to be taken to the rule book. 



  • Medals are $15 each 

  • You must be qualified to run for medals

  • You must be enrolled in 4-H to run for medals

  • Your 2 runs can go towards your medals, there are no additional runs for medals

  • Bronze must be earned before Silver, Silver before Gold, Gold before Supreme

  • If you qualify for medals on your first run, you can run for your Bronze on run 2 if:

    • The time is verified

    • You sign up and pay prior to the run

  • You can not earn 2 medals in the same event 







Information for Both Shows


  • You can haul in Friday evening after 5pm

  • Gates open at 7am

  • Check in at office from 7:00 - 8:00

  • Judges meeting at 7:45 both days, classes will immediately follow

  • EVERYONE wears a helmet when in a cart or mounted

  • Trail classes are drop in and start after Showmanship. Please don't wait, it closes at lunch time.​​

  • Medal attempts must be signed up and paid for prior to attempting the medal.

    • Medals are only available to kids enrolled in 4-H​



  • VERY IMPORTANT - please see 'Parking Map' link above.  It will indicate where to enter the fairgrounds.

  • Signs will be set up in the Fairgrounds, to direct you where to go.

  • Trailers are aloud to come into the Fairgrounds but must leave and park outside of the grounds once you've unloaded.

  • Please unload and move your trailer as quickly as possible, so others can do the same. 

  • You can tie to your trailer in Camperville or use a stall, for no additional cost.

  • Please bring a pitch fork, dust pan/shovel and broom to clean out your stall and/or around your trailer.  Wheelbarrows will be provided.

  • PLEASE DO NOT DRIVE ON THE GRASS.  The fairgrounds has a hefty fine of $350 for driving/parking on the grass. 



  • Every class is divided by Junior, Intermediate, Senior and Adult

  • Open Youth will be entered with their appropriate age division

    • Open and 4-H will be placed together​

  • If age divisions are combined they will still be placed separately 



  • Be sure to sign up before the deadline.  Wednesday at 8pm before the show.

  • If you don't know what a class is, please ask

  • Cost is $65 for the entire day or $15 per class.

  • If your an open rider, you must sign the liability release, as soon as you arrive 

  • Check out the parking info it's a big facility

  • Patterns will be posted on this page the Thursday prior to the show at 5pm​​​​​



  • ​​PLEASE ONLY DUMP BEDDING IN THE CORNER AREA.  Will we point out where this is at our morning meeting.

  • Look at the "bedding dump map" at the top of this page.

  • Horses are welcome to use a stall for the day or the weekend at no additional charge.  Gates will open at 5pm on Friday and again at 7am on the day of the show. 

  • Bedding is not provided.  You can bring your own or go without.

  • $50 fee if you leave without cleaning your stall the isle way in front. 



We are very lucky to be able to use the Expo facility at a low cost, which we pass on to you.  Please leave things as we found them, or better.  Help us to maintain our great relationship with the Expo!

  • All the garbage picked up

  • Clean stalls out completely after use

  • Pick up horse poop in gravel areas

  • Clean up around your trailer in the parking lot


Performance Show Patterns

Medals  for all   #

Showmanship Senior & Adult 
Showmanship Intermediate 
Showmanship Junior  

Trail - Gold

Trail - Silver

Trail -Bronze

Trail Senior/Adult
Trail Intermediate
Trial Junior, Green Horse  & In Hand

Gaming Show Patterns

Showmanship Medals #

Showmanship Senior & Adult

Showmanship Intermediate

Showmanship Junior



Do you want more information? Feel free to contact our president or email the program. 

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